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QUESTION - Basic Docker image

d4-maertzdorf opened this issue · comments

QUESTION - Basic Docker image

Is there a basic docker image available? e.g an image I can just pull from docker hub that will start after making some config changes? (for smtp e-mail), and setting the language preference.

Seems I was logged in with wrong account.

Seems there is a dependency issue (using old Flask-babel 1.0, will stop any docker build creation).

It'll install version 2.0 (latest version see : https://pypi.org/project/Flask-Babel/)

Installer still uses 1.0 as a "requirement".

Hi @d4-maertzdorf

Working on it. Configuration files are not what is ideal indeed, will switch to env variables.

Good idea


Covers some of this as well, its were I got some information from wich I placed in the most recent COMMIT.

docker image can be made


  • docker build
  • docker images

Will make a new issue as it'll flunk out once you try and run the docker image

steps for making your own build from the dockerfile in this repo:
