OtherDevOpsGene / kubernetes-security-tools

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Notes for doing the demos for "Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure".

Caveat Lector: These are just my notes. They may be incomplete, misleading, or outright wrong.

Set up a target cluster

Update eksctl

$ eksctl version
$ curl --silent --location "https://github.com/weaveworks/eksctl/releases/latest/download/eksctl_$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
$ sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
$ eksctl version

User with sufficient permissions

Per the eksctl minimum IAM policies, the AWS user needs:

  • AmazonEC2FullAccess
  • AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
  • eksctl-iam-policy.json (replace 054858005475 with the account number)

Just having those caused an error:

Error: unable to determine AMI to use: error getting AMI from SSM Parameter Store: AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:iam::054858005475:user/gene.gotimer-eks is not authorized to perform: ssm:GetParameter on resource: arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2::parameter/aws/service/eks/optimized-ami/1.20/amazon-linux-2/recommended/image_id
        status code: 400, request id: 2a4a86a1-0053-4ef1-bcb7-16b8b256e8d0. please verify that AMI Family is supported

so I added AmazonSSMFullAccess, even though the IAM Policy Simulator said I shouldn't need it.

I needed to create and use an ECR repo, so I created a policy with ecr:CreateRepository and ecr:PutImage for arn:aws:ecr:us-east-2:054858005475:repository/* and ecr:GetAuthorizationToken for * called ECR-create and added it to the user.

$ aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AIDAQZROKXPRRQ27Y67ME",
    "Account": "054858005475",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::054858005475:user/gene.gotimer-eks"

Stand up the cluster and a nodegroup

The cluster and nodegroup take about 15 minutes and 3 minutes, respectively.

$ eksctl create cluster -f cluster.yaml
2022-01-02 16:53:42 [ℹ]  eksctl version 0.77.0
2022-01-02 16:53:42 [ℹ]  using region us-east-2
2022-01-02 17:07:42 [✔]  all EKS cluster resources for "codemash" have been created
2022-01-02 17:07:46 [ℹ]  kubectl command should work with "/home/ggotimer/.kube/config", try 'kubectl get nodes'
2022-01-02 17:07:46 [✔]  EKS cluster "codemash" in "us-east-2" region is ready
$ eksctl create nodegroup --cluster=codemash --nodes-min=2 --nodes-max=5 --instance-types=m5.xlarge codemash-ng-1
2022-01-02 17:11:50 [ℹ]  eksctl version 0.77.0
2022-01-02 17:11:50 [ℹ]  using region us-east-2
2022-01-02 17:14:54 [ℹ]  nodegroup "codemash-ng-1" has 2 node(s)
2022-01-02 17:14:54 [ℹ]  node "ip-192-168-25-109.us-east-2.compute.internal" is ready
2022-01-02 17:14:54 [ℹ]  node "ip-192-168-38-129.us-east-2.compute.internal" is ready
2022-01-02 17:14:54 [✔]  created 1 managed nodegroup(s) in cluster "codemash"
2022-01-02 17:14:54 [ℹ]  checking security group configuration for all nodegroups
2022-01-02 17:14:54 [ℹ]  all nodegroups have up-to-date cloudformation templates
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ip-192-168-25-109.us-east-2.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   8m45s   v1.21.5-eks-bc4871b
ip-192-168-38-129.us-east-2.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   8m44s   v1.21.5-eks-bc4871b

Add a sample workload with helm

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash
$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.7.2", GitCommit:"663a896f4a815053445eec4153677ddc24a0a361", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.10"}
$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
$ helm repo update bitnami
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "bitnami" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
$ helm search repo bitnami
NAME                                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
bitnami/bitnami-common                          0.0.9           0.0.9           DEPRECATED Chart with custom templates used in ...
bitnami/mongodb                                 10.30.11        4.4.11          NoSQL document-oriented database that stores JS...
bitnami/tomcat                                  10.0.0          10.0.14         Chart for Apache Tomcat
$ helm install bitnami/tomcat --generate-name
NAME: tomcat-1641163641
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Jan  2 17:47:24 2022
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
CHART NAME: tomcat
APP VERSION: 10.0.14

** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **

1. Get the Tomcat URL by running:

  NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
        Watch the status with: 'kubectl get svc --namespace default -w tomcat-1641163641'

  export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default tomcat-1641163641 --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}")
  echo "Tomcat URL:            http://$SERVICE_IP:/"
  echo "Tomcat Management URL: http://$SERVICE_IP:/manager"

2. Login with the following credentials

  echo Username: user
  echo Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace default tomcat-1641163641 -o jsonpath="{.data.tomcat-password}" | base64 --decode)
$ helm install bitnami/mongodb --generate-name
NAME: mongodb-1641163726
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Jan  2 17:48:50 2022
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
CHART NAME: mongodb

** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **

MongoDB&reg; can be accessed on the following DNS name(s) and ports from within your cluster:


To get the root password run:

    export MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default mongodb-1641163726 -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 --decode)

To connect to your database, create a MongoDB&reg; client container:

    kubectl run --namespace default mongodb-1641163726-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --env="MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --image docker.io/bitnami/mongodb:4.4.11-debian-10-r0 --command -- bash

Then, run the following command:
    mongo admin --host "mongodb-1641163726" --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD

To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands:

    kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/mongodb-1641163726 27017:27017 &
    mongo --host --authenticationDatabase admin -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
$ helm list
NAME                    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
mongodb-1641163726      default         1               2022-01-02 17:48:50.0025475 -0500 EST   deployed        mongodb-10.30.11        4.4.11
tomcat-1641163641       default         1               2022-01-02 17:47:24.1903283 -0500 EST   deployed        tomcat-10.0.0           10.0.14
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mongodb-1641163726-5f47b864d5-2db5k   1/1     Running   0          2m8s
tomcat-1641163641-74f8bd4d86-flb42    1/1     Running   0          3m34s

Add Prometheus

Add Prometheus, just because it is a good idea. Installation instructions at https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/prometheus.

$ helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
"prometheus-community" has been added to your repositories
$ helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace prometheus --create-namespace
NAME: prometheus
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan  3 10:29:02 2022
NAMESPACE: prometheus
STATUS: deployed
The Prometheus server can be accessed via port 80 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:

Get the Prometheus server URL by running these commands in the same shell:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace prometheus -l "app=prometheus,component=server" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  kubectl --namespace prometheus port-forward $POD_NAME 9090

The Prometheus alertmanager can be accessed via port 80 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:

Get the Alertmanager URL by running these commands in the same shell:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace prometheus -l "app=prometheus,component=alertmanager" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  kubectl --namespace prometheus port-forward $POD_NAME 9093
######   WARNING: Pod Security Policy has been moved to a global property.  #####
######            use .Values.podSecurityPolicy.enabled with pod-based      #####
######            annotations                                               #####
######            (e.g. .Values.nodeExporter.podSecurityPolicy.annotations) #####

The Prometheus PushGateway can be accessed via port 9091 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:

Get the PushGateway URL by running these commands in the same shell:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace prometheus -l "app=prometheus,component=pushgateway" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  kubectl --namespace prometheus port-forward $POD_NAME 9091

For more information on running Prometheus, visit:

Pre-install for demos

These are all listed below as well, but these steps can and should be done before the presentation any time a new cluster is created.

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/fairwindsops/polaris/releases/latest/download/dashboard.yaml
kubectl port-forward --namespace polaris svc/polaris-dashboard 8555:80 &
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.6.1/cert-manager.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml
helm install vpa fairwinds-stable/vpa --namespace vpa --create-namespace
helm install goldilocks --namespace goldilocks fairwinds-stable/goldilocks --create-namespace
kubectl label ns goldilocks goldilocks.fairwinds.com/enabled=true
kubectl label ns default goldilocks.fairwinds.com/enabled=true
kubectl -n goldilocks port-forward svc/goldilocks-dashboard 8444:80 &
helm install falco falcosecurity/falco --namespace falco --create-namespace

Open browser tabs to the following sites:


Instructions at https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench/blob/main/docs/running.md#running-in-an-eks-cluster.

I needed to create and use an ECR repo, so I created a policy with ecr:CreateRepository for arn:aws:ecr:us-east-2:054858005475:repository/* and ecr:GetAuthorizationToken for * called ECR-create and added it to the user. I also added AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser so the user can push images

$ aws ecr create-repository --repository-name k8s/kube-bench --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE
    "repository": {
        "repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-2:054858005475:repository/k8s/kube-bench",
        "registryId": "054858005475",
        "repositoryName": "k8s/kube-bench",
        "repositoryUri": "054858005475.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/k8s/kube-bench",
        "createdAt": "2022-01-02T18:05:49-05:00",
        "imageTagMutability": "MUTABLE",
        "imageScanningConfiguration": {
            "scanOnPush": false
        "encryptionConfiguration": {
            "encryptionType": "AES256"
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf kube-bench
$ git clone https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench.git
$ cd kube-bench
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 054858005475.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
Login Succeeded
$ docker build -t k8s/kube-bench .
[+] Building 68.6s (29/29) FINISHED
$ docker tag k8s/kube-bench:latest 054858005475.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/k8s/kube-bench:latest
$ docker push 054858005475.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/k8s/kube-bench:latest
The push refers to repository [054858005475.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/k8s/kube-bench]
latest: digest: sha256:18777462bf3d8d85b7d8acb15cf5e65877f00c6ed946e9f098caa5cf20cbe057 size: 2832

In job-eks.yaml, add 054858005475.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/k8s/kube-bench:latest as image in line 14.


$ kubectl apply -f job-eks.yaml
job.batch/kube-bench created
$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
kube-bench-x7vgh                      0/1     Completed   0          7s
mongodb-1641163726-5f47b864d5-2db5k   1/1     Running     0          40m
tomcat-1641163641-74f8bd4d86-flb42    1/1     Running     0          41m
$ kubectl logs kube-bench-x7vgh
[INFO] 3 Worker Node Security Configuration
[INFO] 3.1 Worker Node Configuration Files
[PASS] 3.1.1 Ensure that the kubeconfig file permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual)
[PASS] 3.1.2 Ensure that the kubelet kubeconfig file ownership is set to root:root (Manual)
[PASS] 3.1.3 Ensure that the kubelet configuration file has permissions set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual)
[PASS] 3.1.4 Ensure that the kubelet configuration file ownership is set to root:root (Manual)
[INFO] 3.2 Kubelet
[PASS] 3.2.1 Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.2 Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to AlwaysAllow (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.3 Ensure that the --client-ca-file argument is set as appropriate (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.4 Ensure that the --read-only-port argument is set to 0 (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.5 Ensure that the --streaming-connection-idle-timeout argument is not set to 0 (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.6 Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults argument is set to true (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.7 Ensure that the --make-iptables-util-chains argument is set to true (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.8 Ensure that the --hostname-override argument is not set (Manual)
[WARN] 3.2.9 Ensure that the --eventRecordQPS argument is set to 0 or a level which ensures appropriate event capture (Automated)
[PASS] 3.2.10 Ensure that the --rotate-certificates argument is not set to false (Manual)
[PASS] 3.2.11 Ensure that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true (Manual)

== Remediations node ==
3.2.9 If using a Kubelet config file, edit the file to set eventRecordQPS: to an appropriate level.
If using command line arguments, edit the kubelet service file
/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service on each worker node and
set the below parameter in KUBELET_SYSTEM_PODS_ARGS variable.
Based on your system, restart the kubelet service. For example:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart kubelet.service

== Summary node ==
14 checks PASS
0 checks FAIL
1 checks WARN
0 checks INFO

== Summary total ==
14 checks PASS
0 checks FAIL
1 checks WARN
0 checks INFO


Sign up at https://kube-hunter.aquasec.com/.

Copy the docker run command and run it.

$ docker run -it --rm --network host aquasec/kube-hunter:aqua --token ...
Choose one of the options below:
1. Remote scanning      (scans one or more specific IPs or DNS names)
2. Interface scanning   (scans subnets on all local network interfaces)
3. IP range scanning    (scans a given IP range)
Remotes (separated by a ','):,
2022-01-02 23:37:05,304 INFO kube_hunter.modules.report.collector Started hunting

Report will be available at:

Since we are behind a Wireguard VPN, it can find the cluster at all. That is good.



$ pip3 install -U checkov
$ cd ..
$ git clone https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-mongodb.git
$ cd bitnami-docker-mongodb/
$ checkov -d 5.0/debian-10/
$ cd ../deptrack/
$ checkov -d .


Install with:

$ curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aquasecurity/trivy/main/contrib/install.sh | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v0.22.0


The vulnerability data is downloaded/updated on scan, if needed.

$ trivy image docker.io/bitnami/mongodb:4.4.11-debian-10-r0
$ trivy image docker.io/bitnami/tomcat:10.0.14-debian-10-r21
$ trivy image webgoat/webgoat-7.1
2022-01-02T18:49:53.617-0500    INFO    Need to update DB
2022-01-02T18:49:53.617-0500    INFO    Downloading DB...
25.32 MiB / 25.32 MiB [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 10.82 MiB p/s 3s
2022-01-02T18:50:05.347-0500    INFO    Detected OS: debian
2022-01-02T18:50:05.347-0500    INFO    Detecting Debian vulnerabilities...
2022-01-02T18:50:05.357-0500    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 1
2022-01-02T18:50:05.357-0500    INFO    Detecting jar vulnerabilities...
2022-01-02T18:50:05.360-0500    WARN    This OS version is no longer supported by the distribution: debian 8.6
2022-01-02T18:50:05.360-0500    WARN    The vulnerability detection may be insufficient because security updates are not provided

webgoat/webgoat-7.1 (debian 8.6)
Total: 890 (UNKNOWN: 23, LOW: 264, MEDIUM: 241, HIGH: 256, CRITICAL: 106)

Pulled https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/blob/main/contrib/html.tpl as trivy-html.tpl.

$ trivy image --format template --template "@trivy-html.tpl" -o webgoat-trivy-report.html webgoat/webgoat-8.0
2022-01-02T18:57:38.022-0500    INFO    Detected OS: debian
2022-01-02T18:57:38.022-0500    INFO    Detecting Debian vulnerabilities...
2022-01-02T18:57:38.031-0500    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 1
2022-01-02T18:57:38.031-0500    INFO    Detecting jar vulnerabilities...

Results in webgoat-trivy-report.html. Search for CVE-2021-44228 == log4shell.



Instructions at https://polaris.docs.fairwinds.com/dashboard/#installation.

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/fairwindsops/polaris/releases/latest/download/dashboard.yaml
namespace/polaris created
serviceaccount/polaris created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/polaris created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/polaris-view created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/polaris created
service/polaris-dashboard created
deployment.apps/polaris-dashboard created
$ kubectl port-forward --namespace polaris svc/polaris-dashboard 8555:80


Report will be at https://localhost:8555. Note the memory/CPU requests/limits (foreshadowing).

Admission controller

Instructions at https://polaris.docs.fairwinds.com/admission-controller/#installation.

Install cert-manager https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/.

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.6.1/cert-manager.yaml

Download the webhook.yaml and edit the apiVersions:

< apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
> apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
< apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
> apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
< apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1
> apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
<   - v1beta1
>   - v1


Add and delete WebGoat to show it works:

$ kubectl run webgoat --image webgoat/webgoat-7.1
pod/webgoat created
$ kubectl delete pod webgoat
pod "webgoat" deleted

Install the admission controller:

$ kubectl apply -f webhook.yaml
namespace/polaris created
serviceaccount/polaris created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/polaris created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/polaris-view created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/polaris created
service/polaris-webhook created
deployment.apps/polaris-webhook created
certificate.cert-manager.io/polaris-cert created
issuer.cert-manager.io/polaris-selfsigned created
validatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io/polaris-webhook created

After 10 seconds or so, try to add WebGoat again:

$ kubectl run webgoat --image webgoat/webgoat-7.1
Error from server (
Polaris prevented this deployment due to configuration problems:
- Container webgoat: Privilege escalation should not be allowed
- Container webgoat: Image tag should be specified
): admission webhook "polaris.fairwinds.com" denied the request:
Polaris prevented this deployment due to configuration problems:
- Container webgoat: Privilege escalation should not be allowed
- Container webgoat: Image tag should be specified

Static analysis

Instructions at https://polaris.docs.fairwinds.com/infrastructure-as-code/#install-the-cli.

Download https://github.com/FairwindsOps/polaris/releases/download/4.2.0/polaris_linux_amd64.tar.gz, unpack, and copy to /usr/local/bin.

$ wget https://github.com/FairwindsOps/polaris/releases/download/4.2.0/polaris_linux_amd64.tar.gz
2022-01-02 21:37:39 (11.0 MB/s) - ‘polaris_linux_amd64.tar.gz’ saved [11541484/11541484]

$ gzip -dc polaris_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar xvf - polaris
$ sudo mv polaris /usr/local/bin/
$ polaris version
Polaris version:4.2.0


Scan deptrack again:

$ cd ../deptrack/
$ polaris audit --audit-path .
$ polaris audit --audit-path . --format=pretty
$ polaris audit --audit-path . --format=pretty --only-show-failed-tests true


Instructions at https://goldilocks.docs.fairwinds.com/installation/#requirements. The Polaris admission controller must not be installed before installing metrics-server since it will block for privilege escalation.

Install metrics-server.

$ kubectl delete -f webhook.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml

Install VPA and Goldilocks:

$ helm repo add fairwinds-stable https://charts.fairwinds.com/stable
"fairwinds-stable" already exists with the same configuration, skipping
$ helm install vpa fairwinds-stable/vpa --namespace vpa --create-namespace
NAME: vpa
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan  3 09:06:07 2022
STATUS: deployed
Congratulations on installing the Vertical Pod Autoscaler!

Components Installed:
  - recommender
  - updater

To verify functionality, you can try running 'helm -n vpa test vpa'
$ helm -n vpa test vpa
NAME: vpa
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan  3 09:06:07 2022
STATUS: deployed
Congratulations on installing the Vertical Pod Autoscaler!

Components Installed:
  - recommender
  - updater

To verify functionality, you can try running 'helm -n vpa test vpa'
$ helm install goldilocks --namespace goldilocks fairwinds-stable/goldilocks --create-namespace
NAME: goldilocks
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan  3 09:06:54 2022
NAMESPACE: goldilocks
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace goldilocks -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=goldilocks,app.kubernetes.io/instance=goldilocks,app.kubernetes.io/component=dashboard" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
  echo "Visit to use your application"
  kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:80


Enable Goldilocks in each namespace you want to monitor.

$ kubectl label ns goldilocks goldilocks.fairwinds.com/enabled=true
$ kubectl label ns default goldilocks.fairwinds.com/enabled=true
$ kubectl -n goldilocks port-forward svc/goldilocks-dashboard 8444:80

The Goldilocks dashboard will be on http://localhost:8444/.


Since I am using EKS, I can't install Falco on the system, so I'll put it in Kubernetes. The Helm chart is at https://github.com/falcosecurity/charts/tree/master/falco

$ helm repo add falcosecurity https://falcosecurity.github.io/chart
$ helm install falco falcosecurity/falco --namespace falco --create-namespace
NAME: falco
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan  3 10:33:38 2022
STATUS: deployed
Falco agents are spinning up on each node in your cluster. After a few
seconds, they are going to start monitoring your containers looking for
security issues.

No further action should be required.

You can easily forward Falco events to Slack, Kafka, AWS Lambda and more with falcosidekick.
Full list of outputs: https://github.com/falcosecurity/charts/falcosidekick.
You can enable its deployment with `--set falcosidekick.enabled=true` or in your values.yaml.
See: https://github.com/falcosecurity/charts/blob/master/falcosidekick/values.yaml for configuration values.
$ kubectl get pods -n falco
NAME                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
falco-5sfhh                           1/1     Running     0          5m46s
falco-fxnjv                           1/1     Running     0          5m46s

When it failed during CodeMash, the Helm chart had been updated. Unfortunately, that failed as well.

$ helm repo update falcosecurity
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "falcosecurity" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
$ helm upgrade --install falco falcosecurity/falco --namespace falco --create-namespace
$ kubectl get pods -n falco
NAME          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
falco-dp4bg   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   6          6m21s
falco-v84wb   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   6          6m20s
$ kubectl logs -n falco falco-dp4bg -p
* Setting up /usr/src links from host
* Running falco-driver-loader for: falco version=0.30.0, driver version=3aa7a83bf7b9e6229a3824e3fd1f4452d1e95cb4
* Running falco-driver-loader with: driver=module, compile=yes, download=yes
* Unloading falco module, if present
* Trying to load a system falco module, if present
* Looking for a falco module locally (kernel 5.4.162-86.275.amzn2.x86_64)
* Trying to download a prebuilt falco module from https://download.falco.org/driver/3aa7a83bf7b9e6229a3824e3fd1f4452d1e95cb4/falco_amazonlinux2_5.4.162-86.275.amzn2.x86_64_1.ko
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
Unable to find a prebuilt falco module
* Trying to dkms install falco module with GCC /usr/bin/gcc
DIRECTIVE: MAKE="'/tmp/falco-dkms-make'"
* Running dkms build failed, couldn't find /var/lib/dkms/falco/3aa7a83bf7b9e6229a3824e3fd1f4452d1e95cb4/build/make.log (with GCC /usr/bin/gcc)
* Trying to dkms install falco module with GCC /usr/bin/gcc-8
DIRECTIVE: MAKE="'/tmp/falco-dkms-make'"
* Running dkms build failed, couldn't find /var/lib/dkms/falco/3aa7a83bf7b9e6229a3824e3fd1f4452d1e95cb4/build/make.log (with GCC /usr/bin/gcc-8)
* Trying to dkms install falco module with GCC /usr/bin/gcc-6
DIRECTIVE: MAKE="'/tmp/falco-dkms-make'"
* Running dkms build failed, couldn't find /var/lib/dkms/falco/3aa7a83bf7b9e6229a3824e3fd1f4452d1e95cb4/build/make.log (with GCC /usr/bin/gcc-6)
* Trying to dkms install falco module with GCC /usr/bin/gcc-5
DIRECTIVE: MAKE="'/tmp/falco-dkms-make'"
* Running dkms build failed, couldn't find /var/lib/dkms/falco/3aa7a83bf7b9e6229a3824e3fd1f4452d1e95cb4/build/make.log (with GCC /usr/bin/gcc-5)
Consider compiling your own falco driver and loading it or getting in touch with the Falco community
Thu Jan 13 22:32:56 2022: Falco version 0.30.0 (driver version 3aa7a83bf7b9e6229a3824e3fd1f4452d1e95cb4)
Thu Jan 13 22:32:56 2022: Falco initialized with configuration file /etc/falco/falco.yaml
Thu Jan 13 22:32:56 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml:
Thu Jan 13 22:32:57 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml:
Thu Jan 13 22:32:57 2022: Unable to load the driver.
Thu Jan 13 22:32:57 2022: Runtime error: error opening device /host/dev/falco0. Make sure you have root credentials and that the falco module is loaded.. Exiting.

It seems that has been an issue in the past, so perhaps the helm chart just needs to be updated to work with the current version of EKS?


Look at the logs in either of the pods to see the per node findings.

$ kubectl get pods -n falco
NAME                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
falco-5sfhh                           1/1     Running     0          5m46s
falco-fxnjv                           1/1     Running     0          5m46s
$ kubectl describe pods -n falco falco-5sfhh | grep '^Node:'
Node:         ip-192-168-38-129.us-east-2.compute.internal/
$ kubectl describe pods -n falco falco-fxnjv | grep '^Node:'
Node:         ip-192-168-25-109.us-east-2.compute.internal/
$ kubectl logs -n falco falco-5sfhh -n falco

Clean up

Delete the entire cluster when you are done. Instructions at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/delete-cluster.html.

Find any service with an EXTERNAL-IP and delete it first.

$ kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE      NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)
cert-manager   cert-manager                    ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    9402/TCP        13h
cert-manager   cert-manager-webhook            ClusterIP    <none>                                                                    443/TCP
default        kubernetes                      ClusterIP       <none>                                                                    443/TCP
default        mongodb-1641163726              ClusterIP    <none>                                                                    27017/TCP       16h
default        tomcat-1641163641               LoadBalancer   a97296031375b437db510f34a6a8bb2a-1110097583.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com   80:30294/TCP    16h
goldilocks     goldilocks-dashboard            ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    80/TCP
kube-system    kube-dns                        ClusterIP      <none>                                                                    53/UDP,53/TCP   17h
kube-system    metrics-server                  ClusterIP    <none>                                                                    443/TCP
prometheus     prometheus-alertmanager         ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    80/TCP
prometheus     prometheus-kube-state-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    8080/TCP        14m
prometheus     prometheus-node-exporter        ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                    9100/TCP        14m
prometheus     prometheus-pushgateway          ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    9091/TCP        14m
prometheus     prometheus-server               ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    80/TCP
$ kubectl delete svc tomcat-1641163641
service "tomcat-1641163641" deleted

Then delete the cluster. It should take 4-5 minutes.

$ eksctl delete cluster --name codemash
2022-01-03 10:46:38 [ℹ]  eksctl version 0.77.0
2022-01-03 10:46:38 [ℹ]  using region us-east-2
2022-01-03 10:46:38 [ℹ]  deleting EKS cluster "codemash"
2022-01-03 10:46:38 [ℹ]  will drain 0 unmanaged nodegroup(s) in cluster "codemash"
2022-01-03 10:46:39 [ℹ]  deleted 0 Fargate profile(s)
2022-01-03 10:46:39 [✔]  kubeconfig has been updated
2022-01-03 10:46:39 [ℹ]  cleaning up AWS load balancers created by Kubernetes objects of Kind Service or Ingress
2022-01-03 10:46:41 [ℹ]
2 sequential tasks: { delete nodegroup "codemash-ng-1", delete cluster control plane "codemash" [async]
2022-01-03 10:46:41 [ℹ]  will delete stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:46:41 [ℹ]  waiting for stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1" to get deleted
2022-01-03 10:46:41 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:46:41 [!]  retryable error (Throttling: Rate exceeded
        status code: 400, request id: 31f1cfb5-7ee3-4a6e-87ba-fee69588e700) from cloudformation/DescribeStacks - will retry after delay of 6.598365391s
2022-01-03 10:47:04 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:47:21 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:47:41 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:47:58 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:48:18 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:48:37 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:48:56 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:49:13 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:49:31 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:49:48 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:50:04 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:50:23 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-codemash-nodegroup-codemash-ng-1"
2022-01-03 10:50:23 [ℹ]  will delete stack "eksctl-codemash-cluster"
2022-01-03 10:50:23 [✔]  all cluster resources were deleted



Language:Smarty 87.7%Language:Starlark 12.3%