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Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.

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Redis Scaling Issue with Redisson Client

Alok-Kumar-9 opened this issue · comments

Hi @manast !
We are running a delayed queue in redis using redisson client. We are using a t3.small elastcache instance and our application has redisson version 3.23.5 with Spring boot 3.x and Java 17.
We are not setting any TTL for our records. Our records go to a blocking queue once its delay period is over. We are seeing high CPU spikes when there is increase in traffic to Redis. How can we mitigate this?
I tried using replicas and clustered mode but apparently they are not working here.

My redis config-

CommandsLoadBalancer loadBalancer = new CommandsLoadBalancer();
        List.of(RedisCommands.READONLY.getName(), RedisCommands.LPOP.getName(), RedisCommands.BLPOP_VALUE.getName()));
//        .setLoadBalancer(new WeightedRoundRobinBalancer())

    return Redisson.create(redisConfig);

My redis code-

public TestRedisDelay(RedissonClient managedClient, String queuePrefix, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
    this.destinationQueue = managedClient.getBlockingQueue(queuePrefix + "test");
    this.delayedQueue = managedClient.getDelayedQueue(this.destinationQueue);

    this.objectMapper = objectMapper;

public void pushToDelayedQueue(TestRequest testRequest) {
      try {
        String jsonTestRequest = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(testRequest);
        this.delayedQueue.offer(jsonTestRequest, 5L, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("ERR_CONVERTING_TO_JSON_NODE :: {} :: REQ- {}", e.getMessage(), testRequest);

public TestRequest fetchRequests() {
      TestRequest testRequest = null;
      try {
        String revampedQueueRequest = destinationQueue.poll();
        if(!Strings.isEmpty(revampedQueueRequest)) {
          testRequest = objectMapper.readValue(revampedQueueRequest, TestRequest.class);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("ERR_FETCHING FROM QUEUE :: {}", e.getMessage());

    return testRequest;

Can someone suggest anything?

Originally posted by @Alok-Kumar-9 in #1941 (comment)

I am a bit confused, how can you run Bull using Java?


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