OptimalBits / bull

Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

stalledInterva set to 0, an error occurs

wangkunmeng opened this issue · comments


import Bull from 'bull';
import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises';
import { randomUUID } from 'crypto';
import moment from 'moment';

const queue = new Bull('running-stalled-job-' + randomUUID(), {
    redis: { port: 6379, host: '' },
    defaultJobOptions: {
        attempts: 2,
        removeOnComplete: true,
        removeOnFail: true
    settings: {
        lockRenewTime: 2500,
        lockDuration: 2500,
        stalledInterval: 0,
        maxStalledCount: 1

queue.process((job) => {
    console.log(moment().format('HH:mm:ss'), JSON.stringify(job.toJSON()));
    return setTimeout(5000);

queue.add({ foo: randomUUID() });


Minimal, Working Test code to reproduce the issue.

(An easy to reproduce test case will dramatically decrease the resolution time.)

Bull version


Additional information

We can thrown an exception here, but 0 will never be a valid setting for stalledInterval.

@manast it's listed in the documentation as 0 meaning it'll never check. That might be something to update; there's been several updates with confusion about that