Operator873 / CabalBot

An IRC bot for Wikimedia users which handles a wide range of functions and interactions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Autolink intelligence

Operator873 opened this issue · comments

Autolink (currently living in wikicmds) which takes [[links]] in chat and delivers a formatted hyperlink to chat needs to be able to know what project to link to based on trigger.sender. A new database table will be added called channel_lang which will have columns channel, project, and url. The table will have the url column in order to allow shortened urls like enwp.org. Any function checking the table should be able to handle url being null.

In addition, commands for bot admins to add, rewrite, and remove information from this table will need to be written. Likely a new sub-module will be needed. Perhaps called autolink or something similar.

Not a good first issue... my god I'd run for the hills if I came in and saw that.
