OpenZeppelin / cairo-contracts

OpenZeppelin Contracts written in Cairo for Starknet, a decentralized ZK Rollup

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Fix transient dependencies

ericnordelo opened this issue · comments

🧐 Motivation
In Scarb 2.9.x transient deps no longer work. For example, this used to work when depending on openzeppelin:

mod HelloStarknet {
    use openzeppelin_utils::cryptography::snip12;
    struct Storage {
        balance: felt252, 

but does not build with 2.9.1 as openzeppelin_utils is not an explicit dependency.

In a few places like here, we use dev dependencies in non-testing code.

This messes up creating a package with 2.9.1. Unfortunately, it still builds with 2.9.1.

Transient dependencies should be then removed/fixed.