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Only one caller's stream is recorded in a 2-way recorded video, another stream is blacked out.

ingeorgepaul opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
We use OpenVidu 2.22.0 Pro. During a two-way stream, two callers joined the session and they both saw each-others video during the live streaming, but when the recorded video was played, only one participant's video was visible, another participant's video was blacked out. OV logs did not show any error messages and OV logs have message stating successful merging of the video.

Expected behavior
Recorded video should show videos of both the participants.

Wrong current behavior
When viewing live, both the participant's can see each-other's stream, but in the recorded video only one participant's video is visible, and other participant's video is blacked out.

OpenVidu tutorial where to replicate the error
This is first time when we faced this issue, no specific steps to reproduce this issue.

OpenVidu deployment info
How is your OpenVidu Server instance deployed when you get the bug. A couple of possible examples are listed below:

  • Docker container as explained in OpenVidu tutorials, run with command docker run ...


Client device info (if applicable)
Describe the client device(s) or platform(s) where you are able to replicate the error. For example:

  • Chrome 78.0.3904.97 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 10 (1903).
  • Firefox Mobile 68.2.0 running on OnePlus 6 with Android 9.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
In attached screenshot, right hand side stream was successfully recorded, whereas the left hand side stream was blacked out.

@pabloFuente @cruizba

@pabloFuente @cruizba
Did you get a chance to look into this?

It looks like the recording container is not able to connect to the media server properly. Does it always happen in the same way? Only the mobile is not visible?

We have a demo server deployed at with basic auth: OPENVIDUAPP:MY_SECRET

On the other hand, lots of bugs and improvement has been made since version 2.22.0. Do you have the same behavior our demos server, the deployed version is 2.27.0? I would recommend you to update to the most recent version.

Also, how did you deployed OpenVidu PRO? What instructions did you follow?

cruizba: Does it always happen in the same way? Only the mobile is not visible?

George: No, this is first time we have faced this issue.

cruizba: We have a demo server deployed at with basic auth: OPENVIDUAPP:MY_SECRET

George: Demo works fine and it records both the participant's videos.

cruizba: Also, how did you deployed OpenVidu PRO? What instructions did you follow?

George: Deployed as instructed in the documents. This system is in place and working fine for more then two years now, so deployment does not seems an issue.