OpenTelecom / WKWebViewRTC

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Camera access not being requested

sureshponraj90 opened this issue · comments


I am trying to get both the camera and microphone working but i am able to get only the microphone access but not the camera.

When the authorizationStatus is being checked for video AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for:, the status is being returned as AVAuthorizationStatus.notDetermined.

I tried forcing the request for the camera with no luck.

Kindly let me know if there is something going on with that.


This supports Mic only for now.

Thanks for letting me know.

Just wondering if any work is actively going on to support camera access ?

I hope Camera support will be available soon, as I would like to build a Xamarin bindings for this library. Thanks for that.

Hallo, I want to ask if the camera will be supported in the near future?


We are currently extending the POD for video support. I will update when we have something.

Not sure why camera is not working since this is a duplicate code mainly of Cordova-plugin-iosrtc that does have video support. Could be related to iosRTC M69 fix for iOS 14+ that is missing in that WebRTC binary (

Will release version 0.3 in a few days with feature of camera access. (For now, please check out branch 'video-support')