OpenTalker / SadTalker

[CVPR 2023] SadTalker:Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation

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近期计划是什么?| What are the short-term plans?

hengtuibabai opened this issue · comments


Has it stopped? What are the short-term plans?
I feel like just a little short of being useful. It would be a pity if I stopped the watch!

hi, 最近再肝paper,可能会在月底或者6月份开始继续更新。目前已经完成的部分和正在做的部分,比如:

  • 支持size参数可以控制输出图的分辨率,训了一个512x512的模型face render还在测试之中,期望可以干掉人脸增强器。
  • mannually的控制crop的区域,可以得到更加自定义的结果,WEBUI。
  • WEBUI更多功能,比如refpose等。
  • 接受了两种不同的自动crop方式,能够复现v0.0.1版本的效果。
  • 减少了一些依赖文件,比如dlib,用现在的方法更便于安装。
  • 加速模型和优化checkpoints,可能会不需要下载那么大的模型。
  • 更加解耦的mappingnet的训练,可能可以支持只针对头进行动作。
  • A simpler facerender model (or the TensorRT support) will be included to support faster generation: #457
  • text-geneartion-webui
  • anime-generator.
  • OpenTalker WEBUI, 集成Sadtalker和video-retalking的技术,做到输入图像和视频进行驱动和编辑。
  • Fix API problem, #379#374 , #251 ,
  • FPS, #294,

any new suggestions are also welcome : )

之前看到 有人用 Diffusion model,用 Diffusion model 的话也许能做到原图分辨率?(不懂瞎说)

diffusion-based 估计会很慢,不过face vid2vid也很慢就是了。质量上我从paper里没看到很大的差距因为他的diffusion不是SD,是自己训的。这里有一个备选是 先用sadtalker生成keypoints,再用pre-trained 的controlnet-face去解。

OpenTalker WEBUI, 集成Sadtalker和video-retalking的技术,做到输入图像和视频进行驱动和编辑。


I love your project,
I think a good way to control ref_pose and ref_eyebllink would be awesome,
Another thing that I would love to see implemented is "Idle animation", in case no audio is played it goes through a preset sequence of blink and move without looking too weird


cool! thanks for your advise! will woking on it.


I love your project, I think a good way to control ref_pose and ref_eyebllink would be awesome, Another thing that I would love to see implemented is "Idle animation", in case no audio is played it goes through a preset sequence of blink and move without looking too weird

We have update this feature in #386, however, more work need to be done to make it better.


之后会解决脸色苍白双眼无神的问题吗?(还是我用的方法不对? quick_demo里的full3,size=512,出来的结果脸会变得很白(去掉gfpgan也很白) 眼睛也一直虚着,去掉still之后可以眨眼但又没法贴回原图



what are your plans on cartoon images? like in makeittalk

A lightweight facerender is added for generation, which might be working in real-time on GPU and 100x faster on Macbook. See the discussion #457.

what are your plans on cartoon images? like in makeittalk

will try to add something like:


I've noticed that you're able to provide a head pose reference video, could we do the same for a half body. Provide a reference video for half body that drives the upper body movement along with the head? Just he head is a bit limited.





Still crossing my fingers for anime head support. ;)

When can we expect the next release? The last release was made 168 days ago.


大佬,网盘下载的压缩包李没有.pth文件和BFM, hub文件了吗
就是checkpoints/auido2exp_00300-model.pth,checkpoints/auido2pose_00140-model.pth, checkpoints/epoch_20.pth等文件。


OpenTalker WEBUI


Any plans for continued development. I was using this for a while, but suddenly it stopped working. Can't find the root cause, because automatic1111 and foocus work great. Standalone or automatic1111 give same errors. Would love to see this continue, and it's a remarkable piece of work.

Sadly Devs are very busy in other projects :(