OpenSPA / dvbapp2

New OpenSPA E2 based on openATV E2.

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TypeError: Path segment must be bytes, but '' is <class 'str'>

elhawaryna opened this issue · comments

15:52:49.1137 [Enigma] Python path is '/usr/lib/enigma2/python'.
15:52:49.1140 [Enigma] DVB API version 5, DVB API version minor 11.
15:52:49.1141 [Enigma] Enigma debug level 3.
15:53:02.8286 Traceback (most recent call last):
15:53:02.8301 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 67, in init, session=self)
15:53:02.8304 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/FanControl2/", line 1307, in autostart
15:53:02.8305 File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/web/", line 234, in putChild
15:53:02.8308 TypeError: Path segment must be bytes, but '' is <class 'str'>
15:53:10.9981 PC: 0054166c
15:53:10.9982 00000000 00000001 00d151f8 00650f18
15:53:10.9983 00d151fc 00000000 7175af20 00000001
15:53:10.9983 018e8678 bf0015aa 00000000 00000019
15:53:10.9983 00000000 00000000 00000000 00730000
15:53:10.9984 7fd346e0 00000000 7fd344a0 00000001
15:53:10.9984 010b7878 00000000 00000001 01922860
15:53:10.9984 0072cee0 0054093c 00000001 00000000
15:53:10.9985 76439430 7fd34360 0190e550 00541668
15:53:10.9992 Backtrace:
15:53:10.9997 /usr/bin/enigma2(_Z17handleFatalSignaliP9siginfo_tPv) [0x471F54]
15:53:11.0001 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN8gPainter7setFontEP5gFont) [0x54166C]
15:53:11.0006 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN27eListboxPythonStringContent5paintER8gPainterR12eWindowStyleRK6ePointi) [0x55D4F8]
15:53:11.0009 /usr/bin/enigma2(ZN8eListbox5eventEiPvS0) [0x55BA94]
15:53:11.0014 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x567228]
15:53:11.0017 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x567268]
15:53:11.0021 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN7eWidget7doPaintER8gPainterRK7gRegioni) [0x567268]
15:53:11.0025 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN14eWidgetDesktop10paintLayerEP7eWidgeti) [0x568F34]
15:53:11.0029 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN14eWidgetDesktop5paintEv) [0x569014]
15:53:11.0033 /usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x47AB7C]
15:53:11.0037 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop15processOneEventElPP7_object9ePyObject) [0x47A070]
15:53:11.0040 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop7iterateEjPP7_object9ePyObject) [0x47A600]
15:53:11.0044 /usr/bin/enigma2(ZN9eMainloop4pollE9ePyObjectS0) [0x47A6F4]
15:53:11.0045 -------FATAL SIGNAL


<4>[ 103.979000] sync0 is off so we enable it
<4>[ 103.980000] sync0: allocated pcroffset 0
<4>[ 103.980000] sync0: playback!
<4>[ 103.981000] VIDEO0: total delay: 0 (0 ms)
<4>[ 103.985000] VIDEO0: start decode
<4>[ 103.986000] VIDEO0: flush video decoder
<4>[ 104.039000] VIDEO0: first pts 0x0
<4>[ 104.189000] VIDEO0: enable tsm
<4>[ 104.262000] VIDEO0: stop decode
<4>[ 104.262000] sync0 1fff no decoder left in sync handling so disable
<4>[ 104.263000] sync0: was last pcroffset0 user so free it
<3>[ 104.368000] bcm_accel: invalid opcode! 00000080
<6>[ 104.370000] bcmfb: creating surface with pixel format 0x07e48888 (BPXL_eA8_R8_G8_B8)
<4>[ 104.499000] HDMI: CEC device open ... state is 3, flushed 0 old messages from RX fifo
<4>[ 104.500000] HDMI: CEC returned state 3
<4>[ 104.500000] HDMI: CEC state now 803
<6>[ 104.511000] bcm4506: channel 0 is in normal mode now
<4>[ 104.524000] VIDEO0: dst_left, dst_top, dst_width and dst_height is 0.. reset to defaults!
<6>[ 104.525000] bcm4506: channel 0 is sleeping now
<4>[ 104.526000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 104.527000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 104.527000] VIDEO1: dst_left, dst_top, dst_width and dst_height is 0.. reset to defaults!
<4>[ 104.615000] HDMI: CEC send ok!
<4>[ 105.046000] 82026 ms: 49
<4>[ 105.100000] 53 ms: 50
<4>[ 108.231000] 3131 ms: 50
<4>[ 108.447000] 216 ms: 62
<4>[ 108.597000] UDF-fs: warning (device mtdblock2): udf_fill_super: No partition found (1)
<4>[ 108.629000] ioctl(CDROMREADTOCHDR) failed
<4>[ 108.629000] cdfs_toc_read failed
<4>[ 108.848000] UDF-fs: warning (device mtdblock2): udf_fill_super: No partition found (1)
<4>[ 108.865000] ioctl(CDROMREADTOCHDR) failed
<4>[ 108.865000] cdfs_toc_read failed
<4>[ 109.392000] 945 ms: 63
<4>[ 109.562000] 170 ms: 67
<4>[ 110.326000] 764 ms: 67
<4>[ 110.392000] 65 ms: 70
<4>[ 110.411000] 19 ms: 71
<4>[ 110.420000] 9 ms: 71
<4>[ 110.421000] 1 ms: 71
<4>[ 110.422000] 1 ms: 71
<4>[ 110.460000] 38 ms: 71
<4>[ 110.468000] 8 ms: 71
<4>[ 110.487000] 19 ms: 71
<4>[ 110.506000] 18 ms: 72
<4>[ 110.591000] 84 ms: 72
<4>[ 110.592000] 1 ms: 72
<4>[ 110.598000] 6 ms: 72
<4>[ 110.601000] 2 ms: 72
<4>[ 110.606000] 5 ms: 72
<4>[ 110.632000] 25 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.633000] 1 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.634000] 1 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.639000] 5 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.640000] 1 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.675000] 35 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.702000] 26 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.704000] 2 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.705000] 1 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.708000] 3 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.716000] 8 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.717000] 1 ms: 73
<4>[ 110.721000] 4 ms: 73
<4>[ 111.127000] 406 ms: 73
<4>[ 111.156000] 28 ms: 74
<4>[ 111.186000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 111.186000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 111.187000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 111.188000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 111.189000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 111.190000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 111.191000] set input to 0
<4>[ 111.191000] set fb to 2(-1)
<4>[ 111.191000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 111.192000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 111.205000] set mute 0 1
<4>[ 111.207000] set ac3 to downmix
<4>[ 111.208000] set ac3plus to force_ac3
<4>[ 111.210000] set dtshd to use_hdmi_caps
<4>[ 111.211000] set wmapro to downmix
<4>[ 111.213000] set aac to downmix
<4>[ 111.239000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 111.239000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 111.240000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 111.240000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 111.242000] 85 ms: 75
<4>[ 111.245000] 3 ms: 75
<4>[ 111.256000] 10 ms: 75
<4>[ 111.808000] 552 ms: 75
<4>[ 111.937000] 129 ms: 77
<4>[ 111.943000] 6 ms: 77
<4>[ 111.946000] 3 ms: 77
<4>[ 112.151000] 204 ms: 77
<4>[ 112.186000] 34 ms: 78
<4>[ 117.503000] using 50.00Hz as MonitorRefreshRate
<4>[ 117.503000] VIDEO1: shared window not available
<4>[ 117.575000] SET FORMAT: display[0], format='720p50'
<4>[ 117.575000] HDMI mode
<4>[ 117.575000] use EDID to detect colorspace
<4>[ 117.576000] preferred colorspace: Itu_R_BT_709
<4>[ 117.665000] VIDEO1: shared window not available
<4>[ 117.737000] set current avs auto aspect to 16:9
<4>[ 117.737000] set sb to 3(1)
<4>[ 118.500000] rtc set to 1684245183
<4>[ 118.502000] rtc set to valid now