OpenPeeDeeP / depguard

Go linter that checks if package imports are in a list of acceptable packages.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

feature request: check for version numbers

rayjlinden opened this issue · comments

This is a cool linter. However, the more common problem we have is using an old version of a go package that really needs to be updated to a later version due to a security issue or bug found in older version. It would be cool if one could specify min version allowed for particular packages, etc.

Since import paths don't have the actual version in them, this would require parsing the go.mod or go.sum file. The true issue with doing so is that a go module is not a go package. Meaning my module could be but the package I am importing is Since I am given the latter when parsing through the files I have no quick way of determining that.

But I do think this could be a different linter. This linter would not need any build context at all and would require go modules. But basically it checks from a map and version against the go.mod and go.sum files. Also, until go1.13, you couldn't use the timestamp on the version of a module that was not ported yet as it was not verified.

TL;DR; I don't think is a depguard feature as it would add too much overhead and goes against the grain of what it currently does under the hood. But I do think you are on to something for a different linter all together.

I want to keep this open cause I don't want to forget about this idea though.

@rayjlinden with #13 and #14, I may be revisiting how the configuration is structured. I may be able to implement this in this linter. I may try and do some research while working on that configuration and see what a syntax for versioning would look like? (npm and how it does version in the package.json comes to mind).

BTW - I did end up creating this little bash script which if I run in a repo will tell me which modules have updates available:
(Some updates one may not want forced to be updated - but some you do. That is the functionality I still need...)

# Author:

result=$(go list -u -m -json all)
if [ x"$result"x = x""x ] ; then
	echo "no dependancy information found"
	exit 1

count=$(echo $result | jq -r '. | select(.Update) | select(.Indirect == null) | length' | wc -l)
if [ $count -eq 0 ] ; then
	echo "all dependancies up to date"
	exit 0
echo "There are $count dependancies out of date:"
echo $result | jq -r '. | select(.Update) | select(.Indirect == null) | .Path + "@" + .Version + " => " + .Path + "@" + .Update.Version'

I use this linter to detect, when an old major version of a package is used. The major-version in this case is in the import path due to how go modules work with major versions.

This can be done with the following glob: {}

My use case is:

I have to make sure, that I use everywhere in the code, but sometimes goimports automatically creates an import for
So with the above configuration, I can use depguard to detect these imports.

Note, that in this case the glob is necessary, because the prefix match will not work as both imports share the same prefix.

Specifically looking at the prefix causing the issue. Not specific versions in the mod file. But will keep in mind for v2 milestone.

Added ability for exact matches in prefix listings in v2 branch. so in your above example, adding$ to your deny list will match flagging it but won't match which would allow it.