OpenPeeDeeP / depguard

Go linter that checks if package imports are in a list of acceptable packages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update to use x/tools/go/analysis

ldez opened this issue · comments


The project still uses the deprecated instead of

Do you plan to migrate to
Do you need help?

Help is always welcome. I no longer use this tool as the stack I work in daily no longer includes Go :( If I can find the time I will take look into it. started working on it. While digging into it, it was not a backwards compatible change. So I figured out I need to start looking at a V2 variant. Will be defining exactly what that means later this week. Feel free to offer ideas here until I create a V2 issue, milestone, etc.

So I have a working beta v2.0.0-beta.2

go install

I have tested on a few repositories. But would like others to try it out to.

I have just released version 2