OpenMined / syft.js

The official Syft worker for Web and Node, built in Javascript

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Migrate syft.js to use Protobuf classes

vvmnnnkv opened this issue · comments

We need to add the following Protobuf classes to syft.js as they are completed:

Deserialize from protobuf:

  • Plan
  • State
  • Operation
  • ObjectMessage
  • Placeholder
  • TorchTensor
  • TorchParameter
  • Protocol (old one)
  • PromiseTensor (not implemented in PySyft yet)
  • PointerTensor
  • ... more to be defined

Serialize to protobuf:

  • Plan
  • State
  • Operation
  • ObjectMessage
  • Placeholder
  • TorchTensor
  • TorchParameter
  • Protocol (old one)
  • PromiseTensor (not implemented in PySyft yet)
  • PointerTensor
  • ... more to be defined