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[PyGrid-0.4.0] Testing Report

victorperezc opened this issue · comments


I've been troubleshooting the deployment and configuration of a PyGrid domain in AWS. Here report all the bugs and unexpected behaviours I could identify.

  1. Right after deploying the domain I hit POST /users to create an Owner ( I could login with that user and make requests. Worked fine from the UI.
  2. Then, I hit GET /setup and got a 400 saying there was no existing initial setup.
  3. I called POST /setup and send by the fields user, password and node_name. Got 200.
  4. I then realised that the POST /setup had also created another user ( , which was also set with role Owner. This means that I had two distinct user accounts with Owner roles.
  5. I went ahead and call again POST /setup with the same arguments to see what happens when I try to run the initial setup when already exists. It created another user with the same email and Owner. I then had two accounts under the same email address and all of them Owner.
  6. I called again POST /users and try to create another Owner account. I got 403

How to Reproduce

  1. Deploy to AWS
  2. Follow the notes by order and hit the endpoints

Expected Behaviour

Notes on what I understand is a bug on the above:

  1. I should get 403 when trying to create a User ( whatever role is ) before the initial setup has been undergo
  2. The Initial Setup created an Owner user ( this is fine ) even though there already existed an Owner user because of step 1. This bug is caused because of the first bug where we created a user without undergoing the Initial Setup
  3. Subsequent calls to POST /setup shouldn't go through since it already exists. This endpoint might be changed to PUT /setup to update parameters only.
  4. Two accounts with the same email address shouldn't exist.


Screenshot 2021-03-29 at 21 59 35

Closing this Issue now. Resolved in #829