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UART1 not working properly

rommac100 opened this issue · comments

After uploading the boot loader (which had no errors associated with it), the version number is not printed out every second. Instead it is only printed when the board is first printed out. The UART1 also is not functional enough to upload the firmware to the openLST board. See attached screenshot.

Screenshot-2020-10-31-11 50 56

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CC Programmer

I am having the same issue, and I have verified my bootloaded board is sending tx data upon device reset. I am not seeing any data signals in/out of the fdti usb/ttl device.

In my case it ended up being a hardware assembly issue. A secondary attempt at fabricating the OpenLST board fixed this issue. I would double check your CC1110's pads and make sure all of them are properly soldered.

for me, the solution ended up being manually running the radio_mux process. i ran this command in a separate ssh'd in terminal:
radio_mux /dev/ttyUSB0
I don't know what is the actual cause of this, but running all other commands with the following parameters fixed it
--rx-socket ipc:///tmp/radiomux_rx --tx-socket ipc:///radiomux_tx

Oh yeah, I also had to do that. I ended up making a couple of scripts that would just run those commands. If you look at my fork of the repo, it should contain some zmq bash scripts for running those parameters. Pretty sure there is a service that is supposed to run in the background for running the radio_mux but I didn't get it working.

Your fork does not appear to be public, could you please provide access?
Thanks, you rock

transmitting to the openlst still is probing not to work, here is where I currently am:
radiomux is running w/ cmd:
radio_mux /dev/ttyUSB0 -v
radio_terminal is running w/:
radio_terminal --rx-socket ipc:///tmp/radiomux_rx --tx-socket ipc:///radiomux_tx --echo-socket ipc:///radiomux_echo
then run bootload_radio w/ the example:
bootload_radio --signature-file openlst_437_radio.sig -i 0001 openlst_437_radio.hex -r ipc:///tmp/radiomux_rx -r ipc:///tmp/radiomux_tx
the verbose mux outputs this info, and nothing else about the transaction, not entering the next waiting state or sending the repeated reboot cmd:
while the bootload_radio script continues trying to send stuff:
but in reality, the radio_terminal script breaks:
i did capture this transmission, but nothing else:
did you encounter anything like this?

sorry, i actually just had a type-o in the bootload_radio cmd. it should be:
bootload_radio --signature-file openlst_437_radio.sig -i 0001 openlst_437_radio.hex -r ipc:///tmp/radiomux_rx -t ipc:///tmp/radiomux_tx

Sorry. I should have pointed you to the direction of my lab's fork of the repo. The python2-original branch should have our functioning python2 version of the openlst firmware. There is also a less organized branch (testing) that contains some test flash D2 Led commands if you want to experiment with that. I'll see if I can port over that flash D2 Led command tonight to the more stable python2 branch.

With regards to your mux issue, I would recommend double checking your specification of the zmq port. See if this command (change the dev port as needed) fixes your issue and then just test it with a simple radio_terminal command.

radio_mux --rx-socket ipc:///tmp/radiomux1_rx --tx-socket ipc:///tmp/radiomux1_tx --echo-socket ipc:///tmp/radiomux1_echo --mode 777 /dev/ttyUSB1

I also didn't use their Planet's vagrant file as I didn't want to deal with fixing some pip errors. So keep in mind some Serial passthrough errors could be occurring. If possible, try installing the repo and python packages on bare metal.

Awesome, thank you so much. I'll update this thread as necessary.