OpenIDC / ngx_openidc_module

OpenID Connect Relying Party module for NGINX

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool version 1016001 instead of 1021000

wongkeewee opened this issue · comments


I am trying to implement the ngx_openid_module into Nginx Reverse Proxy.

I've managed to install all the dependencies (jansson, libmemcache, cjose, liboauth2, etc) and installed the ngx_openid_module rpm. However during startup, nginx is complaining about the module version
nginx: [emerg] module "/usr/lib64/nginx/modules/" version 1016001 instead of 1021000 in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:8

I've tried to recompile the module following the steps here but it seems like the git do not have the config file for recompiling.

Any idea how can I solve the version issue?

The nginx I have is

# nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.21.0

what distribution are you on?

I'm running the RP on RHEL7

it seems you're not running the stock NGINX version 1.16.0 then

The Nginx package were installed using Yum

So to use this module, we'll need to stick with v1.16.0?

ok, I see that the stock NGINX version has been updated in the mean time; I'll update the RPM shortly; you'll have to compile from scratch in the mean time

I tried recompiling following this

But the git repo is missing the config file, how else can I compile the module?

Hi @zandbelt, are you able to advise on how to compile the module from github?

use ./ first