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Show progress when deploying/running CLI commands.

maji-git opened this issue · comments


So usually (for me). When I'm deploying my Rivet game, it'll build a Docker image, This process do take quite some time. Especially with first time build.

I find myself using Rivet CLI instead of Godot Plugin, just because when using the plugin. It doesn't show the progress and the logs. And I do find logs and status indication essential in deployment process, especially when building a Docker image.

P.S. Also Godot 4.3 just introduced OS.execute_with_pipe function. Which does execute program without blocking the main thread. It might be a great start for this feature. (Which also means it could be a Godot 4.3 only thing, unless there's some modification with the toolchain or CLI)

(not really an issue, but rather a suggestion. sorry for bad english)

@maji-git v2.0 should have a much cleaner experience for deploy process. open to further suggestions!