OpenGVLab / LLaMA-Adapter

[ICLR 2024] Fine-tuning LLaMA to follow Instructions within 1 Hour and 1.2M Parameters

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Not able to reproduce results of llama-adapter-v2

dmlpt opened this issue · comments


I am trying to reproduce the results of llama-adapter v2. I am finetuning the model with "alpaca_gpt4_data" and "llava_instruct_150k" datasets and using the settings from

I used the pre-trained model from for finetuning.

When I evaluated the model using [setting all three w_bias, w_lora, w_new_gate to FALSE, The load_state_dict does not show any missing keys after loading], I get the below result (random chance):

=========== Perception ===========
total score: 497.44607843137254

 existence  score: 50.0
 count  score: 50.0
 position  score: 50.0
 color  score: 50.0
 posters  score: 66.66666666666667
 celebrity  score: 28.52941176470588
 scene  score: 50.0
 landmark  score: 50.0
 artwork  score: 52.25
 OCR  score: 50.0

=========== Cognition ===========
total score: 248.57142857142858

 commonsense_reasoning  score: 53.57142857142858
 numerical_calculation  score: 50.0
 text_translation  score: 95.0
 code_reasoning  score: 50.0

Am I making any mistake in evaluating the model?

Note: I am getting reported results when I use the model downloaded from

Thanks in Advance!

Can you share your training log?