OpenGVLab / LLaMA-Adapter

[ICLR 2024] Fine-tuning LLaMA to follow Instructions within 1 Hour and 1.2M Parameters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does the LLama pre-trained model you used support Chinese? 您提及的使用的llama的预训练模型(在您给出的以下链接)支持中文吗?

jzssz opened this issue · comments

when you mentioned "download the LLaMA-7B from [Hugging [Face]] (unofficial)."

Our LLaMA-Adapter (V1) does not support Chinese. But you can try ImageBind-LLM which supports bothe English and Chinese.

Our LLaMA-Adapter (V1) does not support Chinese. But you can try ImageBind-LLM which supports bothe English and Chinese.
