OpenFlutter / flutter_screenutil

Flutter screen adaptation, font adaptation, get screen information

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Button Text missing after updating to 5.9.0

byteripper opened this issue · comments

After updating to 5.9.0 the text on all buttons where i use .sp was missing, but only on the release i uploaded to PlayStore.
On all connected, virtual and physical, devices there was no problem.

After going back to 5.8.4 and uploading a new update to PlayStore everything was back to normal.

Iphone user where not reporting any problems yet. So it seams to be a Android problem only.

me too.
after update 5.9.0
my UI not render (text, padding, and other widget using service screen util)
my solution is Downgrade version to 5.8.4

facing same issue on Version 5.9.0
I Downgrade version to 5.8.4 but it's not working for me and it's removing image and text from button or normal text randomly only in release/profile build it's perfectly working on debug

i have the same issue.

ensureScreenSize: true,
if you do this it may be work for me it's working on latest version and i set this in screenutils and text is showing somehow
I don't now what's the specific thing is making issue my another project is working fine with latest library without using any of this parameter and my problem with current project is solved by this ensureScreenSize this is how i use in my code

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) => ScreenUtilInit(
      designSize: appScreenSize,
      ensureScreenSize: true,
      builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? homeChild) => ValueListenableBuilder(
          valueListenable: Utils.appLocal,
          builder: (BuildContext context,Locale value, Widget? child) => GetMaterialApp(
              initialBinding: Binding(),
              navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
              title: MyString.appName,
              theme: Get.isDarkMode
                  ? CustomThemes.darkTheme
                  : CustomThemes.lightTheme,
              home: homeChild,
              scrollBehavior: MyCustomScrollBehavior(),
              getPages: Pages.pages,
              onInit: () {
                MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width > 450
                    ? Utils.isTablet = true
                    : Utils.isTablet = false;
                Debug.setLog('is tablate : ${Utils.isTablet}');
              debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
              defaultTransition: Transition.cupertino,
              translationsKeys: AppTranslation.translationsKeys,
              locale: value,
              fallbackLocale: const Locale('en', 'US'),
    child: const SplashScreen(),

if it can help you any way

facing same issue on Version 5.9.0 I Downgrade version to 5.8.4 but it's not working for me and it's removing image and text from button or normal text randomly only in release/profile build it's perfectly working on debug

Ensure that your pubspec.yaml declaration is a flutter_ Screenutil: 5.8.4 instead of flutter_ Screenutil: ^ 5.8.4

me too.
after update 5.9.0
my solution is Downgrade version to 5.8.4

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