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Consider Update about Exoplanet KOI 4878.01 from Extrasolar Encyclopedia

dougforplanets opened this issue · comments

There was an update about October 4th this year on Extrasolar Encyclopedia about potentially habitable planet KOI 4878.01. They now say this planet is confirmed instead of merely a candidate. It is so far the exoplanet with the highest Earth Similarity Index with a value of 0.98 since it is an Earth size planet in the habitable zone of a sun-like star. ln order to possibly update Open Exoplanet Catalogue to confirmed for this planet I post a link to this planet's file in Extrasolar Encyclopedia:

They've recently been promoting numerous Kepler candidates to "confirmed" with no reference. I'm not sure if this is an error, or if there's a paper yet to be published that will confirm these planets. Please wait and see before making changes to the database.

Hi SevenSpheres, thanks for the clarification. Sigh, Hopefully Extrasolar Encyclopedia will announce a paper that confirms some of these Kepler planets soon, particularly KOI 4878.01 or KOI 4878 b.