OpenBMB / AgentVerse

🤖 AgentVerse 🪐 is designed to facilitate the deployment of multiple LLM-based agents in various applications, which primarily provides two frameworks: task-solving and simulation

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Issues in Minecraft Branch: RenderServer and RecordServer Fail to start

uwFengyuan opened this issue · comments

What should I notice when I compose up the docker?

I also met ConnectionError when I executed "bash".

Same , I also met ConnectionError when I executed "bash".

Have you been able to compose up? I cannot compose up.

Ok I finally figure out how to solve this.
My env is windows10, WSL2(ubuntu). WSL2 uses virtual ip address, so we need to change DB_HOST.
If you use WSL2 or any virtual machine of linux system which uses virtual ip address , probably try this:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

then it would generate the nameserver ""
for DB_HOST, replace LocalHost(or "") with ""

My env is same with yours. Thank you for your advice. May I ask which file you have changed the DB_HOST in?

I got the following warnings:
WARNING: The DB_HOST variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The DB_PORT variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The DB_NAME variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The DB_USERNAME variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The DB_PASSWORD variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.

use export viriable ; or open docker-compose.yml, for both RenderServer and RecordServer, just change them into:
- DB_HOST= (this is my virtual ip, change it into yours)
- DB_PORT=27017
- DB_NAME=mc
- DB_PASSWORD=000000

Hello! Sorry for the delayed response, really busy these days. I've verified the issue you mentioned and have taken steps to address it. I am now able to again successfully execute the environment on my MacOS by following these revised steps:

  1. Replace the 4th step in the README with downloading the newly uploaded Docker files. After downloading, unzip the files and run cd docker; bash in your terminal to construct all necessary Docker images.
  2. Within the same directory, initiate the environment by running docker-compose up.

Should you encounter any further issues or have questions, please post them here.

Thank you for your help! The first issue has been solved. However, when I executed 'bash', I encountered the following errors:

It seems that due to some time passing, the versions of packages related to mineflayer and previous code have become somewhat incompatible. I have attempted to set the versions of some packages, so could you please re-download the docker from this link and rebuild it? Really sorry for the inconvenience caused. I have verified that bash can run normally on my MacOS with Python 3.10, but you may need to replace all instances of gpt-4-0314 in voyager/ with the version now supported by your OpenAI service. Additionally, after running docker-compose up, please wait for the game server to fully start before running bash One way to judge this is as shown in the picture: