OpenBD / openbd-core

The original open source Java powered GPL CFML runtime engine

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What happened to

dpbabcock opened this issue · comments


I am a long time fan of openbd. Was shocked when I went to and was redirected here. What's going on? Checked the Google Group. Nothing there.

Is Openbd going the way of the dinosaur? I hope not.

Looks like a new page/site is being developed and redirecting here in the meantime


I hope so. The old site was very good. OpenBD makes a GREAT quick and easy docker container for building API's and all manner of small web apps. I run it with an Alpine linux/Java base image and it is compact (200 mb or so) and performant running on Docker. Because it's containerized I can put it anywhere.
THANKS for the update.

There has been very little development on OpenBD in years. The www site was outdated so it was time to retire it.

That's fair, but I use the Manual all the time to look up functions.


The other issue is that the site provided easy access to three different versions, the desktop, Ready to Run, and a Tomcat web app. My fav was "Ready to Run" and it would be really nice to have the "recipe" used to build these here. So far, I can't get the ant build to work downloading what is here on GitHub.

The bigger question is, is there any continuing stewardship of openbd or is it just being cast adrift for those still interested?

@MFernstrom the manual is open source so it's easy enough to run up locally -

@dpbabcock Github is setup to build releases so you don't really need to build with Ant. You'll find them here:
