OpenAPITools / openapi-diff

Utility for comparing two OpenAPI specifications.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Adding/Removing/Changing extensions is not detected

michael-schnell opened this issue · comments

Adding below "x-bar", removing "x-foo" and changing the content of "x-extensible-enum" is not detected.


    type: string
    x-extensible-enum: [one, two]
    x-foo: Foo


    type: string
    x-extensible-enum: [one, two, three]
    x-bar: Bar

Seems the Problem is that all Extensions require a dedicated `ExtensionDiff" implementation. Otherwise nothing is detected.

My expectation was, that at least some generic variants for basic types are available. So just compare two strings in case there is no dedicated ExtensionDiff service is available.

It would be a kind of "fallback" in case no specific service extension is available.

For the poor souls arrving at this closed issue, here a description what to do:

  1. Add a file src/main/resources/META-INF/services/ in your Maven project
  2. In that file add a line with the FQN of every custom ExtensionDiff implementation you require (Like
  3. Create a class that implements Changed for your extension type
    public class ChangedXEnum<T> extends ChangedList<T> {
        public ChangedXEnum(List<T> oldValue, List<T> newValue, DiffContext context) {
            super(oldValue, newValue, context);
        public DiffResult isItemsChanged() {
            if (context.isRequest() && getMissing().isEmpty()
                    || context.isResponse() && getIncreased().isEmpty()) {
                return DiffResult.COMPATIBLE;
            return DiffResult.INCOMPATIBLE;
  1. Create a class that implements ExtensionDiff and returns the Changed implementation you created in step 3) - Caution: Must be exactly the package and name you added in the META-INF file in step 1)
    public class XEnumExtensionDiff implements ExtensionDiff {
        private OpenApiDiff openApiDiff;
        public ExtensionDiff setOpenApiDiff(OpenApiDiff openApiDiff) {
            this.openApiDiff = openApiDiff;
            return this;
        public String getName() {
            return "extensible-enum"; // Name as in JSON/YAML, without "x-"
        public Changed diff(Change<?> change, DiffContext context) {
            // Change contains the raw old/new data from JSON/YAML (like `List` in the case of enum literals)
            final List<?> oldList = change.getOldValue() == null ? Collections.emptyList() : (List<?>) change.getOldValue();
            final List<?> newList = change.getNewValue() == null ? Collections.emptyList() : (List<?>) change.getNewValue();
            return ListDiff.diff(new ChangedXEnum(oldList, newList, context));

Now openapi-diff should be able to detect changes of your custom x-tension.