Onula / Code-Finds-Determinant-of-a-Array-in-C

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About det() function

1. Takes the size of array and the array(det(int s, double array[s][s])

2. Returns the determinant of array( in this code returns double value )

About functions in det()

◻️s2() function is for 2 x 2 array

◻️s3() function is for 3 x 3 array

for n x n array with n > 3 there are the following functions

 ◻️checkElements() function is because if all elements of some row or column is all 0 the determinant of array is 0(det=0)

 ◻️checkRowsColumns() function is because if 2-rows or 2-columns is same, the determinant of array is 0 (det=0)

 ◻️GaussianElimination() function is performed if the above expressions does not returned TRUE (or does not apply) and perform the Gaussian Elimination to find the determinant array

 ◻️CheckAndSwap() function is inside the GaussianElimination() function because if some element of diagonal is 0 needs to swap the ij row with another whose the element is different from 0 (!=0) in ij-column AND changing the sign of determinant if swap.