Omochice / dotfiles

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Replace vim-lsp to nvim-lsp

Omochice opened this issue · comments


replace on toml

diff --git a/config/nvim/rc/dein_lazy.toml b/config/nvim/rc/dein_lazy.toml
index 8f70021..40ca44a 100644
--- a/config/nvim/rc/dein_lazy.toml
+++ b/config/nvim/rc/dein_lazy.toml
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ let g:lsp_settings_filetype_objc = ['clangd']
 let g:lsp_settings_filetype_typescript = [<SID>is_node_project() ? 'typescript-language-server' : 'deno']
 on_event = ["BufRead", "BufNewFile"]
+if = "!has('nvim')"
 repo = "mattn/vim-lsp-settings"
@@ -284,6 +285,68 @@ let g:lsp_settings_enable_suggestions = v:false
 on_source = "vim-lsp"
+repo = "neovim/nvim-lspconfig"
+on_event = ["BufRead", "BufNewFile"]
+if = "has('nvim')"
+repo = "williamboman/mason.nvim"
+lua_source = """
+depends = ["nvim-lspconfig", "mason-lspconfig.nvim"]
+on_cmd = "Mason"
+if = "has('nvim')"
+repo = "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim"
+on_source = "mason.vim"
+lua_source = '''
+-- ref: Shougo/shougo-s-github
+  function(server_name)
+    local nvim_lsp = require('lspconfig')
+    local node_root_dir = nvim_lsp.util.root_pattern('package.json')
+    local is_node_repo = node_root_dir(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)) ~= nil
+    local opts = {}
+    if server_name == 'vtsls' then
+      -- Must be node directory
+      if not is_node_repo then
+        return
+      end
+      opts.root_dir = node_root_dir
+    elseif server_name == 'denols' then
+      -- Must not be node directory
+      if is_node_repo then
+        return
+      end
+      opts.init_options = {
+        lint = true,
+        unstable = true,
+        suggest = {
+          imports = {
+            hosts = {
+              [''] = true,
+              [''] = true,
+              [''] = true
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    end
+    nvim_lsp[server_name].setup(opts)
+  end
+if = "has('nvim')"
diff --git a/config/nvim/rc/ddc.toml b/config/nvim/rc/ddc.toml
index 8a028d0..4af55e1 100644
--- a/config/nvim/rc/ddc.toml
+++ b/config/nvim/rc/ddc.toml
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ vimx.g.ddc_source_options = {
-vimx.g.ddc_sources = {
+local sources = {
   snippet = { "vsnip" },
-  lsp = { "vim-lsp" },
+  lsp = vimx.fn.has("nvim") and { "nvim-lsp" } or { "vim-lsp" },
   ["in-vim"] = { "around", "buffer" },
   ["out-vim"] = { "rg" },
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ vimx.keymap.set(
     expr = true,
     callback = function()
-{ "vim-lsp" })
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ lua_source = """
 local vimx = require("artemis")
-  { "vsnip", "vim-lsp", "around", "buffer", "rg", }
+  { "vsnip", "nvim-lsp", "around", "buffer", "rg", }
 -- TODO: なんかよくわからんけどluaだといけない
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ vimx.cmd "call ddc#custom#patch_global('sourceOptions', g:ddc_source_options)"
   { "toml", "vim" },
-  { "vsnip", "necovim", "vim-lsp", "around", "buffer", "rg" }
+  { "vsnip", "necovim", "nvim-lsp", "around", "buffer", "rg" }
@@ -115,6 +115,19 @@ vimx.g.ddc_source_options["vim-lsp"] = {
 depends = ["vim-lsp"]
 on_source = "ddc.vim"
+if = "!has('nvim')"
+repo = "Shougo/ddc-source-nvim-lsp"
+on_souce = "ddc.vim"
+lua_source = """
+local vimx = require("artemis")
+vimx.g.ddc_source_options["nvim-lsp"] = {
+  mark = "[LSP]",
+  forceCompletionPattern = [[\..?|:|->|\w+/]],
+if = "has('nvim')"
 repo = "Shougo/ddc-around"

not work above.

denols needs "single_file_support" ...?

work vim.lsp.buf.format etc.
but not integrate with ddc yet.

TODO: diagnostics

diagnostics: DONE

but, using ddu-lsp is better...?

using ddu-lsp 👌🏻