OllyHodgson / imperilment

:trophy: A trivia game where the questions are the answers!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This Is Imperilment! · Build Status

It's the triva game where you get the answers, and need to respond with the questions!


Email: admin@example.com Password: test123



  • bin/bundle install
  • bin/rake db:setup db:seed development_data
  • bin/rails server



We are using a custom build of Fontello which is described by config.json. We are using railslove/fontello_rails_converter to update/convert the fontello assets to SCSS.

The current glyph set can be seen at http://localhost:3000/fontello-demo.html

To Update Fontello

  1. bundle exec fontello open to open our custom glyph set in the Fontello web app.
  2. Change selected glyphs as needed and save your session.
  3. bundle exec fontello convert --stylesheet-extension=.scss to fetch those changes and update vendor assets.


:trophy: A trivia game where the questions are the answers!


Language:Ruby 68.6%Language:HTML 16.4%Language:SCSS 13.7%Language:CoffeeScript 1.2%Language:JavaScript 0.1%