Olen / lovelace-flower-card

Lovelace Flower Card to match the custom plant integration

Home Page:https://github.com/Olen/homeassistant-plant/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custom element doesn't exist: flower-card.

BMWfan opened this issue · comments


i have the following issue.

I have your flower-card.js in my home-assistant docker container manually moved to

added the ressource with the path:

But the error is showing up as described in the title and shown here below:
2023-11-17 12_50_26-test – Home Assistant - Persönlich – Microsoft​ Edge

Is there a way how i can debug it where the issue lies?



I installed it now not manually, i did it with Hacs then it works.