ObaidUrRehman / ng-drag-drop

Drag & Drop for Angular - based on HTML5 with no external dependencies. :tada:

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[dropEnabled]=false still accept the draggable object on iPad

vancancode opened this issue · comments

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  • I'm submitting a ...
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  • What is the current behavior?
    [dropEnabled] is not working on iPad. (Works perfectly fine on web)
    Even if it set to false the droppable zone always accept the draggable object.

The [dragHintClass] & [dragOverClass] will not work as expected but once you drop the draggable into the droppable zone it will accept the draggable object.

  • If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem via https://plnkr.co or similar.

Set the [dropEnabled]=false.
Enter developer mode.
Select iPad.
Drag the draggable to the droppable zone.

dragHintClass and dragOverClass won't work but the droppable zone will accept the draggable object.

  • What is the expected behavior?

The droppable zone with [dropEnabled] attribute set to false should not accept the draggable object.

  • Please tell us about your environment:
  • Ionic version: 3.18.0
  • Angular version: 5.0.1
  • Angular CLI Version: 1.5.3
  • Browser: [Chrome Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit) ]