OWASP / threat-dragon

An open source threat modeling tool from OWASP

Home Page:https://owasp.org/www-project-threat-dragon/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Confusing documentation suggests github has to be used

jgadsden opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug:
The documentation suggests that github is a requirement to run Threat Dragon as a web application, which is incorrect

Expected behaviour:
The documentation needs to be changed so that it is clear that any of these will work for the web application:

  • local file access
  • github
  • bitbucket
  • gitlab


  • Version: 2.1.3
  • Platform: Web App
  • OS: any
  • Browser: all of chrome, firefox, safari

To Reproduce:
For example:
The web application variant of Threat Dragon requires some environment variables;
follow the documentation on how to set these variables.

this points to the documentation explaining how to configure git, suggesting this is a step you need to take

The Threat Dragon web application uses GitHub or Bitbucket to store threat models, so you need to go to your GitHub or Bitbucket account and register it as a GitHub application

To run Threat Dragon in a docker container, first configure your environment using dotenv

There are desktop versions of Threat Dragon which store the threat model files on the local filesystem rather than in a repository

Any additional context, screenshots, etc:

@jgadsden can you please explain where will i find this documentation in order to work on this issue?

I rolled this into the version 2.2 release with commit d285f07
but thanks for offering @itsdheerajdp