ONLYOFFICE / doc-builder-testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Check the new features of the builder in develop

trofim24 opened this issue · comments

  • - add function in Api GetSheets. Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the sheets in the active workbook.
  • - add getter property Sheets in Api
  • - add function in Api GetSheet. Returns an object that represents the sheet. Argument {string | number} nameOrIndex Sheet name or Sheet index.
  • - add functions in ApiWorksheet GetVisible, SetVisible, GetIndex
  • - add getter and setter properties Visible in ApiWorksheet
  • - add getter property Index in ApiWorksheet
  • - add getter and setter properties Name in ApiWorksheet
  • - add function in ApiWorksheet GetName
  • - add getter property ActiveCell in ApiWorksheet
  • - add function GetValue in ApiRange
  • - add getter property Value in ApiRange
  • - add function ForEach in ApiRange
  • - add function GetCells in ApiWorksheet
  • - add getter property Cells in ApiWorksheet
  • - add function GetUsedRange in ApiWorksheet
  • - add getter property UsedRange in ApiWorksheet