OFFLINE-GmbH / oc-gdpr-plugin

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CookieBanner not working

dariopetraroia opened this issue · comments

Hy, I have a problem with the cookie banner, it appears again after close and reopen the browser on Chrome Mobile and Firefox Mobile.
The cookieBanner.hide variable is always false.

UPDATE: The issue happens also on desktop. This is how to reproduce it:

The problem is when you come to the site over a search engine...

then click on the first result and visit the website
Accept cookie

Search website again

click on the website, and the banner comes again.

SECOND option to reproduce it:

go to accept cookies and refresh site, banner is showing again.

Hy, i fixed this by commenting: // self::SAME_SITE // sameSite

    return Cookie::queue(
        $this->expiry,          // expire
        '/',                    // path
        null,                   // domain
        $this->isHttps(),       // secure
        true,                   // httpOnly
        false,                  // raw
        // self::SAME_SITE         // sameSite

Or setting SameSite to lax dimti@98be902

Thank you, guys. This is fixed in 83a1574