OCA / brand

Manage brands for products and companies

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[12.0] Error on timesheet report

jguenat opened this issue · comments


I have the error bellow when printing the timesheet qweb report.
Other reports work fine.
Maybe it's related with the account.analytic.line model ?

I have this error on a clean database with only hr_timesheet and following brand modules installed :
brand, brand_external_report_layout, account_brand and sale_brand.

Edit : narrowed it down to brand_external_report_layout

Thanks for your help

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fields_get'

Error to render compiling AST
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fields_get'
Template: web.external_layout
Path: /templates/t/t[3]
Node: <t t-if="'brand_id' in o.fields_get() and o.brand_id and o.brand_id.external_report_layout_id" t-call="{{o.brand_id.external_report_layout_id.key}}">
                <t t-set="company" t-value="o.brand_id.sudo()"/>
                <t t-raw="0"/>