OBattler / PCem-X

PCem with enhancements

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Optical drive tray open/close command(s)

PeladoFeo opened this issue · comments

For this feature to be implemented,
changing optical discs on PCem should be possible only when the emulated tray is open.

Here is a couple of sound clips for the emulated optical drive tray.

This is completely unnecessary and no matter how much you want it, the answer is no.

user99672: That applies to MAME.

That is entirely irrelevant to PCem-X. I would suggest you go to proper ways of requesting features, and further, listen when people tell you no. You have a history of harassing people, and you need to change this behavior. Immediately, if you want anyone to take you seriously.

The PCem nor the PCem-X project are not related in any way with the MAME project.