O-C-R / floodwatch

A collective ad monitoring tool for the public good.

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Profile page

KateBK opened this issue · comments

As a logged in user I can provide information about my gender, race, age, religion, political affiliation. I can change this info at any time. I can select all of this info from a predertmined set of options.

Link: floodwatch.me/profile


Top half draft.

Bottom half draft. We need to be able to save, as well as let users export their data and delete their accounts.
screen shot 2016-11-07 at 1 47 16 pm


Small updates required based on the comments here.


A few new options, displaying what an active "tell me more" interaction could look like.

Personally, I think 1 is best, with 2 being ok and 3 being the worst:

  • It puts all the info up front, rather than requiring too many additional clicks (like 2)
  • It's easier to screenshot interesting info/copy and paste than a popover (like 3)
  • It gives the info some room to breathe (unlike 3, where we'd have to squish everything to not make it a Mega Popover)
  • It doesn't cause any "what does that icon mean?" (unlike 3)
  • It won't lead to like a billion layers of content on the comparison page (unlike 3, which would result in a popover on a popover on a modal on a page)

One could argue that 2 is better than 1 because it'll take up less room on the comparison page. I see that, but I also think that if the person is clicking for more info already, they'd rather just do one click and get all the info in one bucket than save a marginal amount of space and have additional interaction. (We could also make an even shorter version of this text for the comparison page and sidestep that issue entirely if we like.)


Need password change trigger.




@chanderson0 you're doing this now, right? I feel like we swapped filters and profile tasks, but I could be wrong.