O-C-R / floodwatch

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Today button

KateBK opened this issue · comments

As any user I can view a new search for the same demographic comparison shown in the snapshot that represents today's results


This is the See comparison today button.
screen shot 2016-11-01 at 12 20 56 pm

This has a nasty edge case that we have to iron out: namely, what happens if I choose to see a comparison that contains a demographic filter I haven't unlocked yet?

  • I'm a Floodwatch user. I've filled in just my gender.
  • I see an image in the gallery comparing White and Non-White FW users.
  • I click to see this comparison today.
  • ??? What happens?
    • If we don't allow it, we have to force the user to input that info before they can dive into that comparison, which might feel like a bait and switch
    • If we make an exception for redirects, we should make sure that whatever exception it is can't be easily exploited (e.g. if we make it a url parameter, users can easily edit that to get around restrictions)

This becomes a non-issue if we switch our conception of "something being locked until unlocked with data" with "something being locked until unlocked by dismissing it."