O-C-R / floodwatch

A collective ad monitoring tool for the public good.

Home Page:http://ocr.nyc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


KateBK opened this issue · comments

  • Dashboard: As a logged in user I can see which ads are served to me proportionally, likely in a stacked bar chart. I can see what ads are shown to all floodwatch users by default.
  • Filter: As a logged in user I can filter categories based on the demographic data I've provided, I cannot make a comparison using any demographic filter I haven't filled in. I can change the comparison to compare myself to other demographics including age and race groups. I can select and compare two different demographics.
  • Demographic prompt - edge case: As a logged in user who has not provided demographic data, if I try to mark a comparison as interesting I will be prompted and required to provide demographic info. If i give demographic info I will see a success message.
  • Dashboard: As a logged in user I can see a short sentence comapring the left and right columns
  • Tile mode: As a logged in user I can see screenshots of ads served to me or any selected demographic and screenshots of ads served to the selected demograpic I am comparing myself to. I may also be able to sort these ads over time.

Tile mode: As a logged in user I can see screenshots of ads served to me or any selected demographic and screenshots of ads served to the selected demograpic I am comparing myself to. I may also be able to sort these ads over time.

Pretty sure this isn't the case anymore, right? Even for the next version? We decided that you can't add a "You" comparison to the gallery anyway, you can only share "You" comparisons to Twitter/FB/etc.


Same with demographic prompt--we decided a while back that tile mode was a separate page than the comparison mode. See #23.