Nyr / wireguard-install

WireGuard road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora

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Public IPv4 address step is skipped.

zachvlat opened this issue · comments

It may sound weird but the Public IPv4 address input, is totally skipped and as a result the qr code and the .conf file that is generated doesn't have the address before the port. It's empty. I think because of that the conf file is completely wrong, even if I edit the file and put my address url. I was using it for a long time and now I have this issue.


Are you using a server which is behind NAT? That is the only time when you are asked for a public IPv4 address.

Please, provide the output of ip -4 addr and do not censor it too much.

Yes, I am behind a NAT, but why skips the part that I 'm putting the url from freedns? Also forgot to add this screenshot if it helps...


Please, provide the full installation log, not just a screenshot. And the output of the command I requested.

it worked. I uninstalled it and start from the beginning and now it works fine... I may missed something. Thank you for the quick response though!