The highlight on the float windows for "gruvbox_theme" is invisible
ivokun opened this issue · comments
Thank you for porting gruvbox_light
to this project!
As a long-time user of NvChad and Gruvbox theme, this is the answer that I looked for.
But I have a small bummer when I find files with Telescope: the selection is not correctly highlighted, or the color is the same as the background.
Where can I change it?
That's weird. I'm not sure what other configs I've been set.
But for now, I'll stick with overriding TelescopSelection
comment your chadrc and check
also make sure nvchad is upto date
Thanks, it seems I haven't updated the nvchad to v2.
But unfortunately still have the same problem.
I'm not sure whether there's a problem with my other configs (Alacritty + tmux) or not.
@ivokun try without tmux
You are right, the problem was the tmux 😂
In case anyone have a same problem, I fixed the problem with adding this in .tmux.conf
: set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"