NvChad / NvChad

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Multiple Errors During Installation

markfaine opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
Multiple errors appear right as nvim is loading immediately after installing.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Follow instructions for Linux/MacOS installation here: https://nvchad.com/docs/quickstart/install/
  2. The error will show itself after a couple of seconds
  3. Press enter and it will continue on as normal

Expected behavior
Nvim loading normally and completing installation of nvchad


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows Terminal
  • Latest (installed from github)

Additional context
It appears at first to be fine after this installation but I do continue to get errors related to multiple different issues:


I'm not sure if maybe something didn't get installed correctly?

rm -rf all old nvim dirs and use nvim v0.9.5 at least


rm -rf all old nvim dirs and use nvim v0.9.5 at least

This seems to have fixed it. Ubuntu 23.10 only goes to 0.8.1 but I was able to install it via the nvim website instructions. I got some errors after that but after some searching it seems that upgrading node may have resolved those.
