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problem with TSInstall vimdoc

dudu1001 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
i was using nvim but for some reason i received some problem after trying to use : help, after some tinkering i found that the problem is that i did not had the parser vimdoc installed, the thing is vimdoc is supposed to be installed by default (i think). after using TSInstall, i discovered that for some reason tree_sitter was not able to compile the vimdoc parser, after some searching i found that the problem is that i did not had a library called libc6-dev, after installing it the problem was solved. the problem is that there is no libc6-dev listed on the pre-requisites in the nvchad page. maybe for some reason i was supposed to had this library installed on my computer but for some reason i did not.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. make sure you do not have libc6-dev installed and the parser vimdoc
  2. execute on nvim the command TSInstall vimdoc

Screenshot from 2024-04-08 21-38-22

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • linux mint latest stable version
  • standard linux mint terminal
  • 0.10.0~ubuntu1+git202404051504-2b9d8dc87-971e32c87-84f4108c4~ubuntu22.04.1
  • gcc version 4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1
  • make version 4.3-4.1build1

not a nvchad issue, google that error