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Bug Report: Exiting Terminal on ESC in LazyGit within NvChad

SouchonTheo opened this issue · comments

Bug Report: Exiting Terminal on ESC in LazyGit within NvChad


Hello everyone 👋,

I've encountered an issue with the LazyGit plugin in NvChad where pressing Esc to navigate back within a pane unexpectedly exits the terminal session altogether. Despite searching online, I haven't found any solutions or mentions of similar problems.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install the LazyGit plugin using the Lua configuration provided below.
  2. Open Neovim and launch LazyGit with the :LazyGit command.
  3. Enter any pane within the LazyGit interface.
  4. Press Esc in an attempt to go back or close the current pane.

Expected Behavior

Pressing Esc should navigate back or close the current pane within the LazyGit interface without affecting the terminal session.

Actual Behavior

Pressing Esc exits the entire terminal session instead of simply navigating back within the LazyGit interface.

Configuration Details

Here is my Lua configuration for installing LazyGit:

return {
    cmd = {
    -- Optional for floating window border decoration
    dependencies = {

Unable to reproduce , cant you just use lazygit with our term module?

@siduck I download NvChad from scratch and it doesn't seems to integrate lazyvim

To give more info I started using NvChad this week and I used the repo starter as suggested

it doesn't seems to integrate lazyvim

why will it integrate with another distro?

I'm sorry I'm not sure to understand

If I dl NvChad from scratch and Start it I don't have lazygit preinstalled. The other fact is when I start nvim without a distro or with some other I can press escape to go back in lazygit not in NvChad

esc key in terminal mode is mapped

use vim.keymap.del to unmap it