NuSkooler / enigma-bbs-latest_files_announce_evt

Latest Files Announcement mod for ENiGMA½ BBS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WTF is this?

A Latest Files Announcement mod for ENiGMA½! Slap this mod in your ENiGMA½ event scheduler to announce your latest super l337 warez!


Step 1

If you're on a *nix os, run If you're on Windows, copy the latest_files_announce_evt dir to $ENIGMA_PATH/mods/.

Step 2

Create a schedule. Specify 1:n message area tags to post announcements to in args. For example:

eventScheduler: {
  events: {
    latestFilesAnnounceEvent: {
      schedule: at 3:30 am
      action: @method:mods/latest_files_announce_evt/latest_files_announce_evt.js:latestFilesAnnounceEvent
      args: [ "fsx_bot,agn_ads" ]

Note that the first run sets the "since" timestamp.

Tweaking Things

Modify the options.hjson as you please as well as edit the contents of the LFA*.ASC files to change the look of your announcements.

ASCii files can use the following format keys:





Latest Files Announcement mod for ENiGMA½ BBS

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%