Nostrademous / Dota2-FullOverwrite

Work in progress for a full-overwrite Dota 2 bot framework

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Issues with Crystal Maiden's ultimate usage

Riveon opened this issue · comments

  • CM wastes her ult sometimes when there is insufficient crowd control and she is in danger. For example, see this gif. She only has one ally there (Viper was in the process of TPing out), she can only disable Jugg for 1.5 seconds, she's already on low health, and she's right next to Jugg who is on almost full health. So she'd be better off just dying without wasting the ultimate.
  • CM sometimes wastes her ultimate by using it on low health heroes unnecessarily. For example see this gif of her using it on low health necrophos who was almost dead anyway.
  • Sometimes her positioning is a little off, as well as her anticipation of where the heroes will be when she uses her ult. For instance see this gif. There was another example where she used her ult but the enemies were on the edge of the radius and were out almost immediately.