Nostrademous / Dota2-FullOverwrite

Work in progress for a full-overwrite Dota 2 bot framework

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Invoker and his love for alacrity

CsharpNoobDude opened this issue · comments

He loves using the skill - even if he is not really going to attack, he spams it.
That uses up his mana pool quite harshly. Same with cold snap. He should only
use it if the target is gonna be attacked. And if his forge spirit(s) is(are) there.
He also does not even attempt to use Ghost Walk (he does not invoke it).
I did not check the others spells too much.
And sorry that I am not helping at all, but LUA and me is just ... like pommes with ketchup.

Invoker needs some updates. I agree. Many heroes at times use an ability and don't followup. Like Bloodseeker using rupture and then leaving the target alone.

@Nostrademous About Invoker something else I think would not be too difficult to add. It would be awesome during laning phase, if he toggles his energy balls to quas whenever he is not attacking. And for autohitting toggling back to exort again. The health regen is really strong, and he could stay in lane. The damage lets him last hit quite easily.
And for a bot, I would not go exort-wex. I would go exort-quas and wex just one early on. Yes - less team fight potential, but better single target damage - forge spirits, cold snap, sun strike, icewall.

@Nostrademous About Invoker again: Can you make him only use cold snap, if he has a forge spirit? And maybe make that forge spirit smarter? right now it is just autoattacking, and dying in a few seconds...

That will require writing code to control minions. Not as easy as it sounds, will do, but not a quick fix.

@Nostrademous did you give up on this project? I haven't seen too many commits lately.

busy doing Battle Pass quests ... lol