Nostrademous / Dota2-FullOverwrite

Work in progress for a full-overwrite Dota 2 bot framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Enhancements for later on..

CsharpNoobDude opened this issue · comments

If we do not see the enemy carry in the lane - except heroes like riki, pa, who can be invisible - we should send a support to ward the jungle - or maybe even block a camp with a sentry / ward.
If they see the hero in the jungle, they should try to gank him. If low enough hp, then the support may do it alone, but else the mid (Invoker) and the offlaner should help. Team decision stuff.
Just to make sure the enemy carry does not get free money.
About the blocking camps - if we see an enemy stacking camps, we should make sure to kill that camp - or if it is too strong block it, and try to kill the bigger creeps at least.
Also the carry should not help in lanes as much as the other 4 heroes - he should focus on farming, tp to free lanes to farm etc. at least, until he has the most important items. (pa: bfury, drow / am: manta style).
If we notice enemies roaming to another lane (because of wards, or hero vision) we should either be careful or retreat to another lane or tp in with the other heroes (except the carry). the carry may tp to a new free lane.

I agree with all of this, easier said than done :P but yes, ultimately the plan is to write all the code to do that.

Yes, I know - but they are only suggestions. You can leave this "issue" pinned here.
I think it is kinda weird, that there are only issues that you can post. No suggestions, no comments...