Nostrademous / Dota2-FullOverwrite

Work in progress for a full-overwrite Dota 2 bot framework

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Invoker not using his invisibilty when running

ByBurton opened this issue · comments

I noticed that too. I actually think he is not using any ability when fleeing.
I didn't check his mana bar though.
@ByBurton Are you an Emma Watson fan?

Yes - she is awesome. She is such a strong personality, and I like that she stands up for equality. And that she also uses fair trade clothing. (Also she is beautiful :jealous:)

Well, I guess. 👍

I think he does use his invis at times... just then instantly breaks it.

Issue I need to solve for this is a general issue for all heroes that are "invisible" - don't use items, abilities, etc or you break invisibility.

@Nostrademous Now that you mention it, yeah. Bloodseeker with shadow blade, cm with her cloak...