Nostrademous / Dota2-FullOverwrite

Work in progress for a full-overwrite Dota 2 bot framework

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BUG] Attacking Barracks

Nostrademous opened this issue · comments

Our bots no longer right click barracks, no idea why.

They are fine on towers, shrines, and Ancient ( I believe ).

I'll check it

FYI - this was happening before your pull request, so not your fault.

It's part of pushlane mode

pushlane:Desire() only checks if there are towers nearby. So barracks are just pushed ins some edge cases.
I wouldn't bother fixing it, as I'm about to rewrite pushing determination anyway.

Nvm, I'll fix it now. pushing looks somewhat fine for now. I'll work on global movement for now. This should improve push and defense further.

Lane switching code is in decision.lua ... b/c I was lazy implementing it.

btw... the pushlane:Desire() has other checks ... I still don't think it would work (for whatever reason) even if you added a rax check into Desire()

yeah, mode is actually pushlane. I'm checking the think method right now.

Ok. so bot:GetNearbyTowers() seems to return barracks as well. great.

and what does bot:GetNearbyBarracks() return? I assume nothing?

exactly. I'll file a bug on and split up the tower list by names for now.

Had a fix. Deleted it. The end.

aight, rewrote it. #187