NorthernMan54 / homebridge-alexa

Expose your homebridge controlled devices to Amazon Alexa.

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Unable to discover any smart lights with names beginning A-G

DanteTheDonkey opened this issue · comments

Very weird issue. I have had this plugin working fine for a number of months. WAF has gone through the floor now that Alexa doesn’t turn on/off bathroom, bedroom (etc) lights (basically any lights that the name starts with the letter A-G). This happened after I rebuilt my homebridge installation and I cannot get Alexa to discover more than 33 devices (Alexa Discovery on the plugin detects 69 devices).

Any ideas what could cause this behaviour?

This sounds a bit weird

If I understand correctly, in the plugin log file, when you ask Alexa to discover devices it says 'alexaDiscovery - returned 69 devices'

But when you look in the Alexa app you only see 33 devices ?

Exactly this. The site shows everything is green across the board as well

Can you share your username for the cloud service via a discord direct message, want to look at it to see if there are any errors or issues? Discord invite - Invite

Is their any possibility that you are using a different account on the Amazon Alexa

DM sent. Using same account on both Alexa skill & homebridge. I checked, double-checked and treble-checked!

Looking at the logs, I don't see any errors being returned or other issues. But looking at the discovery response, it is only showing 8 devices, and not 33 or more.

And only from this instance of Homebridge 0E:1E:22:8C:24:8D

Are their any error messages in the homebridge log after restarting it ?

Could you share a log from homebridge, after enabling the debug flag within the plugin, and restarting homebridge.

Nothing attached...

goddam it

Could also DM via discord

I can’t drop the file on here or discord - guess its a limitation of ipad. I’ll look into it and try in a bit.

I sent an update via the discord dm