NorfairKing / autodocodec

self(auto)- documenting encoders and decoders

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`Void` codec?

i-am-tom opened this issue · comments


We have some data types that vary according to some type family:

type family T x
data D x = C1 (T x) | C2 Int

type instance T 'ThisWay = String
type instance T 'ThatWay = Void

Ideally, it would be great to be able to write instance HasCodec (T x) => HasCodec (D x), and have everything work merrily. However, I think we'd need HasCodec Void. Would you be against this? Would you be interested in a PR?


I'm not against HasCodec Void per-se, I think?
I thought about it for a bit and I can't come up with anything that can break so go for it!